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Release time: 2017 - 04 - 18
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Release time: 2017 - 04 - 18
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Release time: 2017 - 04 - 18
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6.Dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the industrial association of the development zone, came to visit th

Date: 2017-04-09
Clicks: 30


Dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the industrial association of the development zone, came to visit the difficult workers of the company  On January 20, 2016 morning, the development zone xiaolin, vice chairman of the federation vice-chairman generation RanXiaoPing sympathy enterprise hard worker a line to our company visits, our trade union chairman ming-hua Lin led the union accompanied by related personnel. Generation, jean valjean, vice President, vice President of difficulties with the enterprise worker friendly discussion, understand the enterprise the status quo, to listen to trade union work report, ask enterprise difficult working and living conditions of the worker. Generation, vice chairman, said the economic downturn has brought a lot of enterprise production and operation of a lot of pressure, cause some difficulties, in this case, people more to wuxi, hold position; The trade union should play the role of the bridge, while maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of the workers, we will unite to lead the people to fight hard and fight with the enterprise.


6.Dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the industrial association of the development zone, came to visit th

     Right 2: vice President of the development zone, dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the development development zone, vice President of the development zone



6.Dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the industrial association of the development zone, came to visit th

     Vice President, vice President ran, and the company's difficult staff



6.Dai xiaolin, vice chairman of the industrial association of the development zone, came to visit th 
     Vice President dai xiaolin and vice chairman of the association of the development and development zone of the development zone will pay subsidies to the difficult workers


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